Hau hau is Finnish for|Auh auh is Estonian for|Vaf vaf is French for|Wang wang is Korean for|Kyan Kyan is Japanese for|Hav hav is Turkish for|Woef woef is Dutch for|Vov vov is Danish for
Woof woof
Welcome to Helsinki!
Helsinki is easy to reach and move around in. It is a very dog-friendly city.
Photo © Kari Ylitalo / Helsinki Partners
For exhibitors
We are looking forward to hosting an unforgettable event for dog lovers all over the world. Entry now open!
Questions & Answers
Have something on your mind? Please check our frequently asked questions and answers to them.
Friday 8th August
FCI groups 3, 9 and 10.
Saturday 9th August
FCI groups 2, 5 and 6.
Sunday 10th August
FCI groups 1, 4, 7 and 8.
Thursday 7th August
65 Circuit Shows.
Other shows in WDS2025-week
Many shows, get-to-gethers and much more!