Roger Madec
As a child, I was never able to have a dog because living in Paris, in an apartment, my parents did not want it.
I acquired my first Cavalier King Charles in 1986. It was called Borgia, a black and tan (with lamslag origins). This was the start of the adventure. I first kept a female from her first litter in 1988 and it was my meeting with Danielle Marchand and Daniel Olivier (Marliviers breeding) which was the trigger for this all-consuming passion.
I started exhibiting in 1993 and one thing led to another and I found myself the leader of a large pack. I exhibited a lot, raised, while leading a public career at the same time. I had my first King Charles in 2007. My breeding has more than 170 champion titles including the winner of the Mondial in 2011. One of my males, a very pretty Bleinhem, was placed 2nd open class at Crufts in 2016.
Today, I hardly exhibit anymore because I am a judge for the 9th group and some breeds for the 5th group.
I also chair the French Cavalier and King Charles Club (CENA) and am a member of the French Kennel Club committee. I have had the opportunity to judge in many European countries as well as in the USA, Australia and New Zealand. It’s a matter of great pride.
Despite these occupations, I always breed by naturally selecting on beauty and health. I also have two whippets and a spitz wolf as pets.
Dogs are my oxygen.
I am very honored to judge in Helsinki and I thank the organizers.