Joanne Ratcliffe
United Kingdom
I am thrilled to have been offered the opportunity to judge my lifelong passion, the Border Collie, in a Country I have always hoped to visit and see the dogs; Finland. My lifetime of Border Collies commenced as a child when I convinced my mum to allow me to have a Border Collie on my 10th Birthday. I am now approaching 40 years of owning and showing the Breed.
This bitch was Altricia Fliss of Grandver, who became one of the foundation bitches for the Grandver Kennel which was jointly owned by myself and my mother. Between 1987 and 2005 we bred many successful Border Collies, including 6 UK Show Champions and many overseas Champions as well as dogs who competed successfully in many other disciples both in the UK and abroad.
In 2010 I established Arrodare in my own name. To date there have been 10 UK Arrodare Champions and multiple overseas Champions. In more recent times I have been breeding and showing along with my Partner, Ross Green (Fayken) to much success. In our kennel currently we have 11 Show Champions, including the Breed Record Holder Sh Ch Fayken I Am Love JW.
I have judged the Breed 12 times in the UK at Championship Show level, including the honour of judging the males at Crufts. I have also judged the American Border Collie National and multiple times in Italy. I have also judged the Breed in Denmark and Czech Republic.