Daniela Zevens
Being the daughter of a Great Dane breeder, I was born becoming a Great Dane breeder myself. In 1976 my mother got her first blue Great Dane and in 1980 she started breeding Great Danes. I trained our dogs preparing them for trials and shows from childhood. A dog breeder in Great Britain taught me how to handle Great Danes which was a very exciting time for me. Ever since then I got a very successful start in Germany being the youngest Great-Dane-Handler. I have won numerous national and international shows in Junior-Handling. The Great Dane has been a huge part of my life from the beginning and still fills my life with joy. I fell under the spell of the magic of the Great Dane. I learned a lot about the cynological structure, breeding and education from more senior breeders, thus I am still greatful to them for sharing their valuable wealth of knowledge. In 1985 I joined the Great Dane Club and in 1992 I established my first kennel. Initially I started off with the color blue, nonetheless harlequin and yellow have also been among my litters under my kennel name. However, I recognized very quickly that the blue variety of the Great Dane fulfills me personally and my life completely so that I continued focusing on the color blue. Until today I have bred 43 litters with a total of 267 registered puppies, that have been privileged to make families happy around the globe. Besides breeding, I trained a lot of fellow breeders and dog owners by giving them an understanding about shows in my seminars. I took every opportunity to educate myself further so that I succeeded in taking two exams, one in 2004 for becoming Breed’s Keeper in the DDC (Great Dane Club) and the second one in 2008 for becoming Special Breed Judge of the Great Dane. In 2015 I was appointed Breed Inspector (Körmeisterin) by the Great Dane Club. In 2018 I became Vice-President of the DDC 1888 e.V. and the following year I was elected Breeding Director of the DDC 1888 e.V. Ever since, serving the Great Dane to provide for a best possible future path and development takes a lot of concentration but also fills me with pride. To this day, I am a passionate handler being inside the ring with my own dogs. I am still and always will be delighted to discuss with kindred spirits about our greatest gift, the Great Dane.