Christofer Habig
Coming from an old Westfalian entrepreneurial family, known to have kept companion dogs since 1836, Habig discovered his love for the Deutsche Dogge and all the different mastiff breeds at a very early age. When still at university, already travelling the world, diving into the national ‚scenes‘ of his breeds, Habig was approved for his molosser breeds in 1977 in the age of 21, becoming one of FCI’s youngest judges ever. Still in his twenties, getting also involved into the Tibetan breeds through the TIbetan Mastiff, dedicated to preserving their original heritage, Habig was appointed All Breed Judge Aspirant by The German Kennel Club (VDH). Since visiting Crufts for the first time in 1977, where he immediately connected also with the Border Terrier, the Deerhound and the Borzoi, the British dog world turned into a major source of inspiration for him. In 1992, Habig was elected a member of The Kennel Club – a time, when foreign membership had not yet been part of the club’s opening strategy. He judged the International Junior Handling competition twice at Crufts and was the one to do The Breeders‘ Competition, when it was first introduced at the show. In 2020, being the first German post war, he judged the Working Group at Crufts. Being approved for all breeds of FCI Group 1, 2 and 9 since the 1980s, Habig has judged in most parts of the world. Spearheading an engaging and confident positioning of the dog world in modern society, Habig, a former Managing Director Brand Communications of Germany’s leading global bank, was elected President of The German Kennel Club (2006-2009) and Vice-President of the FCI (2009-2011) and has lead FCI’s first global Strategy Group. In 2009, Habig, holding the Kiki’s of Wyehawk (Kiki’s est. 1947) kennel name, was awarded The Baron von Gingins Medal.